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Tony was found to be an accomplice in the crime.

Tony speaks English and he plays tennis. 托尼会说英语,打网球。
Tony tells his friend Irene about his plan to embark on a trip to Finland. 托尼告诉他的朋友艾琳他计划展开一趟芬兰之旅。
Tony used no reference books in class. 托尼上课时不使用参考书。
Tony walked so fast that he was soon out of sight. 托尼走得很快,不久就无影无踪了。
Tony wanted to magnify that picture. 托尼要把那张照片放大。
Tony was found to be an accomplice in the crime. 人们发现托尼是该案的同案犯。
Tony was madly clung to the indifferent dressing Billie and then they cohabit. 张被阮的外表吸引,两人很快共堕爱河并同居。
TonySweepstakes! 托尼” 赌博!
Tony's success is out of question. 托尼的成功不成问题。
Tony, the playoffs could not start on a worse note? 托尼,季后赛是否不应该这样开始?
Tony, you are now back on track by beating the Nuggets, 97-88. It is an important win before the trip to Denver. 托尼,你们以97-88赢下掘金后,又站在同一起跑线上了。这在去丹佛打客场前是一场重要的胜利。

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