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    Except the Netherlands all the European nations consider euthanasia illegal.

    中文: 除了荷兰,所有的欧洲 国家都认定安乐死是不 合法的. 更详细进入...
    Loves the big conservatory is by this school graduate, music amateur and extra-curricular composer bastard teak Luo?John?Reed invests the establishment, has the English first-class library, the teaching experience, the music hall and by the composer, the

    中文: 爱大的音乐学院是由该校毕业生、音乐爱好者及业余作曲家吉纳罗?约翰?里德出资建立的,拥有英国一流的图书馆、教学经验、音乐厅及由作曲家、演奏家、历史学家等组成的精良师资。 更详细进入...
    Be happy and at peace.

    中文: 要快乐和平安。 更详细进入...
    Fang Yuan Tie Yi is a professional enterprise in foundry、vendition、design、installation.

    中文: 方圆铁艺是一家集铸造、销售、设计、安装于一体的专业企业。 更详细进入...
    The exclusive Pre-Scheduled Appointments (PSA) Programme essentially facilitates business matchmaking between buyers and exhibitors prior to the event itself.

    中文: 展会将邀请专业买家参会并特别安排预约洽谈活动(PSA),在展会之前为参展商和专业买家安排配对约见洽谈。 更详细进入...
    I was happy to arrange it.

    中文: 我乐意为你安排。 更详细进入...
    With the rapid development in Beijing, Carrefour is now looking for candidates of high caliber to fill the following positions.

    中文: 为满足家乐福北京合资企业的业务快速发展的需要,诚聘以下职位。 更详细进入...
    The U.S. auto industry is an oligopoly, because there are only three main producers.

    中文: 美国汽车工业是寡头垄断的行业,因为只有3家主安生产商。 更详细进入...
    Article 15 Equipments, apparatus, protective appliances and safety testing instruments used in mines with special safety requirements must comply with the national safety standards or safety standards of the mining industry; those failing to comply with t

    中文: 第十五条矿山使用的有特殊安全要求的设备、器材、防护用品和安全检测仪器,必须符合国家安全标准或者行业安全标准;不符合国家安全标准或者行业安全标准的,不得使用。 更详细进入...
    The orchestra has several concert engagements.

    中文: 这管弦乐队已安排好几场音乐会. 更详细进入...
    Jack was anxious to get to the concert, so he made shrift of his homework.

    中文: 杰克急着去听音乐会,因此草草地做完了家庭作业。 更详细进入...
    Annually, hundreds of thousands of domestic cats are euthanised in shelters around the world for want of a good home.

    中文: 大意:实际上,数以万计在收容所等待领养的家猫被安乐死。 更详细进入...
    BeiJing ChangHong Tie Yi is a professional enterprise in vendition、design、installation.

    中文: 北京长宏铁艺是一家集销售、设计、安装于一体的专业铁艺企业。 更详细进入...
    The Taiyuan star workshop music entertainment limited company, is collection light \ acoustic \ music performance project consultation \ plans the \ design, performs the equipment sale on commission \ to install \ to debug \ to rent and music educates the

    中文: 太原市星工场音乐娱乐有限公司,是一个集灯光\音响\音乐演出工程的咨询\策划\设计,演出设备的经销\安装\调试\租赁及音乐教育\专业技术培训\音乐制作\音乐演出服务于一体的多功能\全方位的综合性音乐娱乐服务企业. 更详细进入...
    Based on the practical research and first-hand material, the paper presents that Tujia's folk song possesses the characteristics of Tujia's unique music in such aspects as national characteristic, music structure and style.

    中文: 文章通过田野作业和有关资料的查证,认为土家族山歌在民族性、音乐结构、音乐风格等方面具有土家族独特的音乐特征。 更详细进入...
    Deep understing on production, safety technology requirements of the industry as well as state safety laws.

    中文: 对行业生产、安全、技术以及国家的各类安全法令等要求有深刻了解。 更详细进入...
    Lineke Ripman and Henriette Tol play two prostitutes who begin to rebel against their lot in life.

    中文: 阿姆斯特丹一家名为「快乐之家」的妓院里,黛安娜因嫁给有毒瘾的老公,被迫下海。 更详细进入...
    The Royal Melbourne Philharmonic revisited Verdi's grandiose and taxing Messa da Requiem after five years and again enjoyed another clear success…….

    中文: 皇家墨尔本爱乐乐团五年之后重新演绎的威尔第的《安魂曲》很明显的又是一个巨大成功。 更详细进入...
    In the very opening sentence of Anna Karenina, Tolstoy declares: “All happy families are happy in the same way: but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own fashion.

    中文: 托尔斯泰的名著「安娜卡列尼娜」开宗明义就说:『所有的快乐家庭,都以相同的方式快乐的过日子,但每一个不快乐的家庭,都以它自己的方式不快乐的过日子。』 更详细进入...
    Its business scope includes: Leisure consultancy and feasibility studies; Master planning and Design of Leisure Destinations; Construction, Operational Set Up and On Going Operational Management Services of Leisure Destinations; Amusement Ride and Equipme

    中文: 业务范围主要有:游乐业咨询和可行性研究;整体规划和游乐项目设计;游乐项目建设;运营系统的建立与开业后的营业管理;提供游乐设备和设施;游乐设备安装;引进投资与游乐设备租赁管理;主题造景制作与施工;故事线创作;吉祥物、乐园标识,主题商品的设计与产品供应。 更详细进入...

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