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The exclusive Pre-Scheduled Appointments (PSA) Programme essentially facilitates business matchmaking between buyers and exhibitors prior to the event itself.

The exciting Rickshaw Race will be the climax of the whole event! 紧张刺激的人力车大赛将是大会当日的高潮所在!
The exciting comedy, Fun with Dick and Jane, stars Jim Carey and Téa Leoni as a modern-day, clumsy3 Bonnie and Clyde. 这部刺激的喜剧--《我爱上流》,是由金?凯瑞和蒂雅?李欧妮饰演现代版笨手笨脚的邦妮与克莱。
The exciting mountain train journey to Flam, on the Aurlandsfjorden, is highly recommended. 极力推荐乘火车穿山越岭前往奥兰峡湾弗兰市,来一次兴奋之旅。
The exclusion of tom from the committee make him angry. 汤姆因被逐出委员会而很生气。
The exclusion of women from the temple made them feel sad. 妇女被排斥于寺院之外使得她们很难过。
The exclusive Pre-Scheduled Appointments (PSA) Programme essentially facilitates business matchmaking between buyers and exhibitors prior to the event itself. 展会将邀请专业买家参会并特别安排预约洽谈活动(PSA),在展会之前为参展商和专业买家安排配对约见洽谈。
The exclusive right of a country to operate the air traffic within its territory. 领空权一个国家所专有的在其领空内进行领空交通的权利
The exclusive right to publish a work enjoyed by the book publisher shall, during the term specified in the contract, be protected by law, and the work may not be published by others. 图书出版者在合同约定期间享有的专有出版权受法律保护,他人不得出版该作品。
The excrement and the excrement polluted water carry a lot of pathogens of them, including the diseaseful virus and worm eggs, which threaten seriously the health of the habitants. 粪便中和被粪便污染的饮用水中,含有多种肠道传染病和寄生虫病的病原体,包括致病的病毒和虫卵,严重威胁农民的身体健康。
The excretory opening of the digestive tract in animals such as birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. 肛门鸟、爬行动物、两栖动物以及鱼等动物的消化道的排泄口
The excursion was the high spot of our holiday. 我们那个假日的最大乐趣是远足。

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