英文: A cold front moving down from Canada and butt ing up against moisture out of the Gulf of Mexico has produced freezing rain, snow and flash floods from Kansas down to Texas and eastward into Missouri.
中文: 一股冷空气从加拿大南下,遭遇从墨西哥湾吹来的潮湿空气,制造了冰雨,大雪,以及暴发的洪水从堪萨斯州流向德州,并且一路向东,流向密苏里州。
英文: A cold front moving down from Canada and butting up against moisture out of the Gulf of Mexico has produced freezing rain, snow and flash floods from Kansas down to Texas and eastward into Missouri.
中文: 冷空气前锋从加拿大南下,与墨西哥湾的潮湿气流汇合,形成了冰雹,大雪及山洪从堪萨斯州蔓延至德克萨斯州并向东延伸至密苏里州。
英文: A frog may sit in water or completely submerge to replenish moisture in its body.
中文: 一只青蛙可能坐在水里或完全没在水里来补充身体所需的水分。
英文: A good protective coating will act as a barrier-film that will prevent moisture from coming into direct contact with your paint.
中文: 好的保护膜相当于一层阻挡层,它可防止湿气直接从漆面渗透进去。
英文: A human hair co ists mainly of a protein called Keratin. It also contai some moisture and the trace metals and minerals found in the rest of the body.
中文: 人类的头发主要由一种叫角朊的蛋白质组成,并含有水分及在身体其他部分也可找到的微量金属和矿物质。