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A frog may sit in water or completely submerge to replenish moisture in its body.

A frightening, compulsive novel. 一本吸引人的恐怖小说
A fringe benefit of advising on buy-outs is the invitation to invest in them. 建议收购的附加利益是对他们进行投资。
A fringe of hair cut short and straight across the forehead. Often used in the plural. 刘海额前剪短的头发或额前的直立头发。常用在复数中
A fringe of trees stood round the pool. 池塘四周耸立着一圈树木。
A frivolity; a trifle. 无聊举动;琐事
A frog may sit in water or completely submerge to replenish moisture in its body. 一只青蛙可能坐在水里或完全没在水里来补充身体所需的水分。
A front or boundary, especially one between military, political, or ideological positions. 前线尤指在两军或政见、方法思想论不同的两股力量之间前沿或边界
A frosted stage gathers red-crowned cranes, whooper swans, sika deer, and snow monkeys. Can Japan turn an ancient reverence for its animals into modern conservation? 这是一片霜封的舞台,汇集了丹顶鹤,大天鹅,梅花鹿,雪猴等动物。日本能够将他们对动物的古老崇敬转化成现代的动物保护吗?
A frothy French farce. 浅薄的法国轻喜剧
A froward heart shall depart from me: I will not know a wicked person. 诗101:4弯曲的心思、我必远离.一切的恶人、〔或作恶事〕我不认识。
A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends. 箴16:28乖僻人播散分争.传舌的离间密友。

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