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soak in


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英文: Add a little salt and 1/2T of olive oil to half pot of water,cook noodles i until done and remove to soak in ice water to cool.Remove and drain first, the stir in 1/2T of olive oil to mix.

中文: 准备半锅沸水,加入少许盐及橄榄油1/2大匙,放入蝴蝶面煮熟后立即捞出浸入冰水;冷却后捞出沥干水分,拌入1/2大匙橄榄油备用。        更详细...
英文: Add a little salt and 1/2T of olive oil to half pot of water,cook noodles in until done and remove to soak in ice water to cool.Remove and drain first, then stir in 1/2T of olive oil to mix.

中文: 准备半锅沸水,加入少许盐及橄榄油1/2大匙,放入蝴蝶面煮熟后立即捞出浸入冰水;冷却后捞出沥干水分,拌入1/2大匙橄榄油备用。        更详细...
英文: As Japan undergoes a pet boom and obesity among pampered dogs becomes a problem, the treadmill, followed by a soak in a special jacuzzi bath, is said to promote healthy weight loss.

中文: 日本正流行宠物热,为解决饮食过量导致小狗们肥胖的问题,宠物专家设计出宠物跑步机和一种特殊的沐浴来给宠物减肥。        更详细...
英文: But age wasn't on the hurler's mind as he paused for a brief moment of reflection behind the mound at Yankee Stadium, trying as hard as he could to soak in a snapshot of a moment that would soon fly by in a 4 1/3-inning effort.

中文: 当休斯在洋基球场投手丘后面短暂停留,年龄并未显示在投手的内心,他努力尝试著融入比赛,很快的那四又三分之ㄧ局的投球就过去了。        更详细...
英文: Cut agar agar into small pieces, soak in the other half of water. Boil with medium heat,stir constantly. Remove from heat when agar agar is totally dissolved.

中文: 琼脂剪成碎片,泡入到余下的冷水中,用中火煮沸,多多搅拌,到琼脂完全融解后熄火。        更详细...

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