英文: A woman, a mother, and a householder, Dipa Ma made the Buddha's path seem accessible and the great goal of freedom attainable in this very life.
中文: 作为一个女人,一位母亲,和一位在家居士,蒂帕嬷使得觉悟之路在当今这个时代显得可以接近,使得宏大的解脱目标显得可以实现。
英文: Although it makes sense to fight for your highest attainable goal, it does not make sense to waste your limited energy resisting or fighting the inevitable.
中文: 为一个可以实现的远大目标而奋斗是一件有意义的事,但将有限的精力浪费在折腾一个不能实现的空想上,那是没有意义的。
英文: Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it.
中文: 请谨记,只要你坚持不懈,最终的目标总能实现。
英文: Better results are attainable by using this method without large-scale matrix operations.
中文: 与常规方法相比,这种方法不需要进行大规模的矩阵运算就可较精确地估计出目标的位置。
英文: But now that remote land area is so attainable and so important that it has become the subject of an international treaty which protects it from national rivalries yet leaves it open to all for exploration and use.
中文: 但是今天,这块遥远的陆地已变得如此触之可及并且如此重要,以致它已受到一个国际公约的保护,使其免于成为国家间竞相抢夺的对象,而是对所有国家开放,供大家共同开发和利用。