英文: By the end of 2003 the Department of Defense will have issued smart-card ID badges to four million personnel.
中文: 在2003年年底之前,美国国防部将会发放智慧卡识别证章给400万名员工。
英文: Government Department of Defense is subject to restrictions as set forth in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Software clause in FAR 52.227-7013.
中文: 仅允许为安全起见或备份目的所进行的复制,但不得将本程式以原版或变更过的形式予以转售。
英文: In 1994, the Department of Defense signed a memorandom of understanding with the Department of Justice, to transfer non-lethal weapons from the DOD to local law enforcement agencies through the National Institute of Justice.
中文: 在1994年,国防部签署了一份备忘录,关于理解司法部通过国家司法协会从国防部转移非致命武器到当地的法律执行机构。
英文: MPRI supported the Department of Defense in the establishment of the Africa Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS) and continues today providing staff, faculty, subject matter experts, and support services.
中文: mpri支持国防部成立的非洲战略研究中心(acss)今天继续提供工作人员,教师,主题专家,及支援服务.
英文: Silent Sounds, Inc. states that it is interested only in positive emotions, but the military is not so limited. That this is a US Department of Defense project is obvious.
中文: 沉默的声音公司声称他们只对积极的情绪感兴趣,但军方就没有这样的限制。很明显那是美国的美国国防部的计划。