英文: Chinese newspapers criticised the coach's reliance on an aerial long-ball attack, noting that the Thai players took advantage of the spread-open field to use short, sharp passes to penetrate China's defence.
中文: 中国媒体批评朱广沪过于依赖高空长传进攻,而泰国队则利用快速短传,迅速撕开了中国队的防线。
英文: Down came two of our fighters into an open field behind the church.
中文: 我们的两架战斗机降落到教堂后面的一块空地上.
英文: It took just two weeks for an unofficial translation of the Half-Blood Prince to go on sale in Beijing, and pirates will again have an open field with the saga's final instalment.
中文: 短短两周时间,《混血王子》的非官方译本就在北京出售了,而这部传奇小说的终篇又给盗版者留下了很多机会。
英文: You will fall on the open field and not be gathered or picked up.
中文: 你必倒在田间,不被收殓,不被掩埋。
英文: So it is very clear that the field must be an open field of study, not only to normal history but to other related studies including sciences, social sciences and humanities as well.
中文: 科学史具有历史学的学科性质和特征,又不是普通的历史学科,具有强烈的交叉和跨学科性质。