英文: A Lithuanian held on suspicion of theft in an Arctic Norway jail slipped out of custody - literally - by stripping naked, smearing himself with vegetable oil and sliding through the prison bars, police said Wednesday.
中文: 警方周三透露说,位于北极圈的一家挪威监狱里有名涉嫌偷盗的立陶宛裔人从监狱中“溜”了出来--他脱光衣服,用植物油涂满全身,顺监狱的栏杆“溜”了出去。
英文: A member of any of the Eskimo peoples of North America and especially of Arctic Canada and Greenland.
中文: 因纽特人北美特别是加拿大北冰洋地区和格陵兰岛的爱斯基摩人之成员
英文: A plane carrying equipment for an Antarctic naval base will take the penguins to Brazil's southernmost region next month, an air force spokesman said on Monday.
中文: 巴西空军部队的一名发言人周一(7月31日)表示,一架运送南极海军基地物资的飞机将把这些企鹅送往巴西的最南端。
英文: Adelie penguins live on the Antarctic continent and on many small, surrounding coastal islands. They spend the winter offshore in the seas surrounding the Antarctic pack ice.
中文: 阿德利企鹅生活在南极大陆和周边许多小岛上。整个冬天他们都会在南极冰盖周围的海上度过。
英文: After all, what other city has everything from sheep competitions to Antarctic snowmobiles?
中文: 毕竟,其他城市能从绵羊比赛到“哈格鲁特”雪上汽车向游客提供的一切所需吗?