英文: After in 2002 (2,002) changes the system institute of name the establishment to subscribe is the fine arts institute.
中文: 2002年(民国九十一年)改制后成立之学院名称订为「美术学院」。
英文: Arguments that the referendum, even if passed, would not amount to a pursuit of name change, frankly, strike us as purely legalistic.
中文: 有人主张,这个公投就算通过,也不代表当局会寻求更改国号,老实说,我们认为这纯粹是条文主义的说词。
英文: Article 18 Provision of Name Precedence to Contests and Contestants Having the name of Shanghai municipal administrative area precede the names of sports contests or contestants must be reported to the MPCSC for approval.
中文: 第十八条(竞赛和参赛者冠名规定)冠以上海市行政区域名举办体育竞赛或者参赛的,应当报市体委批准。
英文: Article 3 In applying for trademark registration, registration of assignments, registration of renewals, the change of name or address of a registrant, the replacement of a Trademark Registration Certificate or other related matters, the applicants may en
中文: 第三条申请商标注册、转让注册、续展注册、变更注册人名义或者地址、补发《商标注册证》等有关事项,申请人可以委托国家工商行政管理局认可的商标代理组织代理,也可以直接办理。
英文: Because the name of a class is inserted in its class scope (clause 9), the name of a class is also considered a member of that class for the purposes of name hiding and lookup.
中文: 由于类的名称是被插入到其类作用域(章节9)中,所以处理名字隐藏和查找时,类的名字同样被看作该类的成员。