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After in 2002 (2,002) changes the system institute of name the establishment to subscribe is the fine arts institute.

After immersing himself in the lunar-landing films and journals, he noticed that although the inflexibility of the suits did indeed create difficulties for astronauts when they bent down to collect rock samples, they found the action of running in a suit 通过埋头研究登月的胶片和日志,他注意到尽管宇航服的僵硬的确造成一些困难–例如他们弯腰采集岩石样本时–但在月球上穿宇航服奔跑同在地球上不穿宇航服一样容易。
After implementation, the occurrence of explosion problem in coal pulverizing system while burning high volatile coal has been effectively controlled ,enhancing safety and stability in the coal pulverizing ,obtaining obvious good results. 该措施实施后,有效地控制了燃用高挥发煤时制粉系统爆炸的发生,提高了制粉系统运行的安全性。
After implementing the said measures, tube-burst ratio due to over-temperature of the heating surface has reduced from 34.8% to 15%, occurrence ratio of said leakage accidents due to improper repairs has also greatly decreased, but leakage times resulting 实施后,受热面超温爆管比例从34.8%下降至15%,因检修不良而造成的“四管”泄漏发生率也有大幅下降,但因焊接缺陷和受热面材质造成的泄漏次数却明显上升。
After improving upon the telephone, Edison created the phonograph, his favorite and most lucrative invention. 在改进了电话功能后,爱迪生又发明了留声机,这是他喜爱的而且最能赚钱的一项发明。
After in 1893 was admitted reluctantly the Saunders special military academy, because is congenial to, the graduation result is among the best, attains the military officer qualifications. 1893年勉强考入桑德斯特陆军军官学校后,由于志趣相投,毕业成绩名列前茅,获军官资格。
After in 2002 (2,002) changes the system institute of name the establishment to subscribe is the fine arts institute. 2002年(民国九十一年)改制后成立之学院名称订为「美术学院」。
After incision, on the cross section also can have redfiliform. 切开之后,断面上还会有红色的丝状物。
After incorporation, if Government or any organization request/require Party A to change the company name for any reason, Party B shall not be liable for any damage therefrom. 九.成功注册后,不论任何理由甲方被政府或其他机构要求公司改名,乙方概不负责。
After increased the image digitization technology, the post-processing technology, the blood oxygen analysis technology and the ultrasonic analysis, enhanced the diagnosis coincidence rate to the breast block's position and size, benign or malignant, pouc 该机增加了影像数字化技术、后处理技术、血氧分析技术及超声分析后,对乳房内肿块的位置大小,良、恶性,囊实性,提高了诊断符合率,特别是血氧分析功能在一定程度上反应了组织代谢状态,显著提高了诊断分析水平。
After incremental changes in the intervening years, on January 1, 2004, the PBOC further extended the upper limit of Renminbi-denominated lending rates, except for mortgages and policy loans, to no higher than 70% of the benchmark rate. 经过期内历年调升之后,于2004年1月1日,中国人民银行再将人民币借款(按揭及政策性贷款除外)的利率上限提高至不超过基准利率70%。
After incubation examine the VRBG dishes for characteristic dark purple colonies which are usually surrounded by a purple halo (precipitate). 培养后检查VRBG平板,特征菌为紫黑色并环绕紫色光环(有沉淀物)。

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