英文: The national separatism that appeared after the cold war and based itself on the theory of national self-determination put forward the view of supreme self-determination.
中文: 摘要冷战后涌现的民族分离主义运动以国际法上的民族自决权为其理论依据,提出“民族自决权至上论”。
英文: This paper makes rational analysis of the national separatism, explains the national self-determination according to the international law, clarifies the relationship between them, and tries to find a solution to the problems of nationalities.
中文: 文章从现实的角度对民族分离主义作出理性分析,从国际法角度对民族自决权进行法理阐释,澄清两者的关系,力图寻找一条解决民族问题的有效途径。