英文: Cordoba's period of greatest glory began in the 8th century after the Moorish conquest, when some 300 mosques and innumerable palaces and public buildings were built to rival the splendours of Constantinople, Damascus and Baghdad.
中文: 公元8世纪,摩尔人占领了西班牙,于是科尔多瓦进入了它的鼎盛时期,在这段全盛时期中,城中建起了约三百座清真寺,数不清的宫殿和公共建筑以与君士坦丁堡、大马士革和巴格达的辉煌繁荣相媲美。
英文: Ferdinand II turned a ruined monastery into a castle where this new sensitivity was displayed in the use of Gothic, Egyptian, Moorish and Renaissance elements and in the creation of a park blending local and exotic species of trees.
中文: 费迪南德二世把被毁坏的教堂改建成了一座城堡,这一建筑集中了哥特式、埃及式、摩尔式和文艺复兴时期的建筑特点,同时在城堡的公园里把许多国外树种与本地树木混合栽种。
英文: From 711 to the early 1462 the Rock was mainly under Moorish control.
中文: 西元七一一年到一四六二年初期,直布罗陀一直是摩尔人的势力範围。
英文: The residential district of the Albaycin is a rich repository of Moorish vernacular architecture, into which the traditional Andalusian architecture blends harmoniously.
中文: 阿尔巴济住宅区保留着大量摩尔人建筑风格的各式建筑,同时在这些建筑中还可以看到传统的安达卢西亚建筑风格被完美地融入了其中。
英文: The urban morphology of the two small cities of ubeda and Baeza in southern Spain dates back to the Moorish 9th century and to the Reconquista in the 13th century.
中文: 在西班牙南部坐落着两个小城――乌韦达和巴埃萨,对于当地城市形态学的研究可以追溯到公元9世纪摩尔人统治时期以及公元13世纪的收复领土时期。