英文: Acts 25:12 Then when Festus had conferred with the council, he answered, To Caesar you have appealed; to Caesar you shall go.
中文: 徒二五12非斯都和议会商量了,就回答说,你既上诉于该撤,就要往该撒那里去。
英文: After Festus had conferred with his council, he declared: You have appealed to Caesar. To Caesar you will go!
中文: 12非斯都和议会商量了、就说、你既上告于该撒、可以往该撒那里去。
英文: And so Octavian could present this comet as Caesar who indeed was a god.
中文: 因此屋大维把这颗彗星命名为凯撒。这位真正的神。
英文: As Caesar loved me, I weep for him; as he was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honour him; but as he was ambitious, I slew him.
中文: 因为恺撒爱我,我为他哭泣;因为他幸运,我为他高兴;因为他英勇,我尊崇他;但因为他有野心,我杀死了他。
英文: As lieutenant of Caesar he fought the Thracians for three years, and by a succession of battles and sieges, with great loss of life to the Thracians, he brought these fiercest of races to their former state of peaceful subjection.
中文: 身为凯撒·奥古斯都副将的皮索大人与色雷斯人作战三年,其间野战攻城无算,给色雷斯人造成了极大的损失,他终于再次征服了这个英勇无畏的种族,使其回到了先前的和平状态。