英文: A smart opponent will position these harder to kill units in back, under the protection of more heavily armored units.
中文: 一名聪明的对手会布置这些利害装备来杀死后面的部队单位,并用重型装甲部队来保护他们。
英文: Article 6. All gold and silver legally gained by individuals shall come under the protection of the State.
中文: 第六条国家保护个人持有合法所得的金银。
英文: Be it further resolved, That Congress intends to renew legislation that will end these abuses and fully protect the constitutional, civil, and human rights of all U.S. citizens and others who fall under the protection of our laws and international laws an
中文: 为了更好的解决,国会打算更新立法,那将结束这些滥用和充分保护所有美国公民的宪法,公民权,和人权,以及在有美国签字的国际法和条约保护下。
英文: During a lull in the action, some of the Tiger's accompanying panzergrenadiers dig in under the protection of the tank's big gun, within sight of a peaceful looking windmill.
中文: 这些坦克正在利用在一个看似平静的风车前的一次短暂的休息给随行的装甲掷弹兵提供火力支援。
英文: Their families swarm at the departure gate to wave a tearful goodbye, imagining the most beautiful prospects for them under the protection of their knights.
中文: 她们在高鼻子蓝眼睛并身披闪光盔甲的骑士的隆重陪伴下,正准备离开自己的祖国。