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on lease

【法】 租用

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英文: A foreign civil aircraft on lease may fly only after the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council has examined and rendered valid its airworthiness certificate issued by the State in which the nationality of such aircraft was originally

中文: 租用的外国民用航空器,应当经国务院民用航空主管部门对其原国籍登记国发给的适航证书审查认可或者另发适航证书,方可飞行。        更详细...
英文: Article 30 When the financing lease contract comes to an end, the lessee, unless exercising a right to purchase the civil aircraft or to hold the civil aircraft on lease for a further period in accordance with the contract, shall return the civil aircraft

中文: 第三十条融资租赁期满,承租人应当将符合本法第二十九条规定状态的民用航空器退还出租人;但是,承租人依照合同行使购买民用航空器的权利或者为继续租赁而占有民用航空器的除外。        更详细...
英文: To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property and any rights or privileges which the Foundation may think necessary or convenient for the promotion of its objects, and to construct, maintain and alt

中文: 采购、租借或以交换的形式来获得基金会认为必需或有助于实现其发展目标的任何动产或不动产,建造、日常维护或改变任何基金会认为必需或有助于实现其发展目标的建筑物。        更详细...
英文: To sell, let on lease, exchange, deal with or otherwise dispose of all the property of the Foundation or any part thereof or its rights, interest and privileges for such consideration as the Foundation may think fit and in particular for shares, debenture

中文: 在基金会认可的情况下,全部或部分出售、出租、交换、处理或转让基金会的资产或基金会持有的其他公司的股票、债券、有价证券。        更详细...

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