英文: Endocervical cells are present, indicating that the transformation zone has been sampled (a minimum of 10 well-preserved endocervical or metaplastic cells is required; they do not have to be in groups).
中文: 颈管内膜细胞存在,提示子宫颈上皮移形带细胞已经被取样(至少有10个保存良好的颈管内膜细胞或化生细胞所必需的;但不需要成团排列)。
英文: In the present case, the resection specimen definitely showed islands of metaplastic bone superficial to the muscularis propria, thus excluding sacral invasion.
中文: 此例中,切除的标本中很明确的显示出固有肌层浅表的岛状化生骨,因此可以排除骶骨侵犯。
英文: The presence of osseous tissue in colonic biopsy material might be confused with colonic adenocarcinoma invading into bone or with a carcinosarcoma (metaplastic carcinoma).
中文: 结肠活检中骨组织的出现可能会与结肠腺癌侵犯到骨混淆,或者与癌肉瘤相混淆。
英文: The presence of squamous metaplastic cells indicates that the transformation zone has been sampled (a minimum of 10 well-preserved endocervical or metaplastic cells is required for this quality indictor).
中文: 简释:鳞化细胞提示子宫颈上皮移形带已被取样。(满意涂片的标本至少有10个保存良好的宫颈内膜细胞或化生细胞)。