英文: A Coulomb friction model with high accuracy is proposed so that more accurate equations of motion can be established for the transient response of the single-disk rotor which drops onto the back-up bearing as soon as AMB shuts down.
中文: 摘要就磁轴承发生故障时转子坠入备用轴承所産生的非线性瞬态响应,提出了摩擦力的计算模型,从理论上建立了更为精确的运动微分方程。
英文: At the same time, the dependency of the vibration frequency on the Coulomb bound potential and magnetic field is discussed.
中文: 同时也讨论了振动频率与库仑束缚势、磁场之间的变化关系。
英文: By considering the contact between the teeth and utilizing the face to face contact model with contact element and coulomb friction model, the author have developed a computing method for plastic load of tooth-locked quick actuating pressure vessel based
中文: 摘要通过接触单元来数值模拟啮合齿的接触过程,建立了基于整体有限元分析的齿啮式快开压力容器塑性载荷计算方法。
英文: Finally, some possible physical mechanisms, for example the Coulomb stress-triggering mechanism, the dynamic stress-triggering mechanism and the lower crust and upper mantle flow deformation mechanism, which may generate these coseismic and post-seismic a
中文: 同时,还从库仑破裂应力触发、动态应力触发以及下地壳和上地幔流动变形机制等方面,对这些大震效应作了一些成因机理讨论。
英文: By applying two methods proposed respectively by R Crespo and J A Tostevin and by C M Vincent and S C Phatak to p- C elastic scattering,we studied the treatment of coulomb interaction in momentum space.
中文: 将C M Vincent和S C Phatak,以及R Crespo和J A Tostevin分别提出的两种不同的处理库仑作用的方案,推广应用于自旋×的散射,研究了P- C弹性散射动量空间库仑作用的处理。