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Finally, some possible physical mechanisms, for example the Coulomb stress-triggering mechanism, the dynamic stress-triggering mechanism and the lower crust and upper mantle flow deformation mechanism, which may generate these coseismic and post-seismic a

Finally, some discussions are taken on the crux and procedure of the orthogonal decomposition and some comments are made on the real significance of the restrictions from the inverse gravimetric problem to the resource of gravity field. 最后对具体实现场源正交分解的实际步骤、正交分解定理的实质、以及物理大地测量学反问题研究中关于场源函数的主要限制的意义予以评述。
Finally, some examples were given to reveal the advantages and applicability of this new method. 最后通过实例说明了该方法的优点和实用性。
Finally, some of the OMG's early object services specifications, such as the life cycle, query, concurrency control, relationship, and collection services, were not only complex, but also performed no useful function whatsoever. 最后,一些OMG的早期对象服务规范,比如生命期规范、查询规范、并发控制、关系和集合服务规范,不仅仅是复杂,而且根本没什么用。
Finally, some open problems are pointed out. 最后,探讨了该领域的一些热点和难点问题。
Finally, some people name their children after famous rulers or public figures, like George Washington Carver, for example, or even after their favorite soap opera actors on television.. 最后,一些人根据掌权人或公共任务为孩子起名,例如乔治.华盛顿.卡弗,更有甚者依据电视肥皂剧中所喜欢的演员的名字来起名。
Finally, some possible physical mechanisms, for example the Coulomb stress-triggering mechanism, the dynamic stress-triggering mechanism and the lower crust and upper mantle flow deformation mechanism, which may generate these coseismic and post-seismic a 同时,还从库仑破裂应力触发、动态应力触发以及下地壳和上地幔流动变形机制等方面,对这些大震效应作了一些成因机理讨论。
Finally, some problems are raised over drawing the urban land equiprice line map. 最后,就城市土地等价线图绘制中应注意的问题进行了讨论。
Finally, some suggestions about countermeasures are proposed. 并提出了对策建议。
Finally, some suggestions are made. 最后提出了相关的建议。
Finally, some suggestions were made for stochastic analysis of waterhammer and surges at hydropower stations. 针对研究现状,提出了水电站水击与调压室涌浪随机分析的3点建议。
Finally, some suggestions were put forward on utilization, reserves and protection of indigenous fodder. 还就海南的野生牧草种质资源的保存和利用等提出意见和建议。

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