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A Coulomb friction model with high accuracy is proposed so that more accurate equations of motion can be established for the transient response of the single-disk rotor which drops onto the back-up bearing as soon as AMB shuts down.

A Congo red stain will demonstrate the pink material to be amyloid. 刚果红染色淀粉样物呈粉红色。
A Congressional hearing has expressed concern at the number of illegal immigrants. 国会的一个听证会已经对非法移民的人数表达了关切。
A Container Load Plan is of five copies, each of which is to be given respectively to the terminal, the carrier, the shipping agent, the shipper and the party that stuffs the container. 集装箱装箱单一式五份,分别交给集装箱码头、承运人、船务代理、托运人和装箱人。
A Contracting Party may apply the requirement referred to in subparagraph (a) only if it applied such requirement at the time of becoming party to this Treaty. 唯有加入本条约时已实施(a)项所指要求的缔约方才可适用这种要求。
A Corinthian column is the most highly decorated of the five classical types. 科林斯圆柱是希腊建筑五种古典柱式中最华丽者。
A Coulomb friction model with high accuracy is proposed so that more accurate equations of motion can be established for the transient response of the single-disk rotor which drops onto the back-up bearing as soon as AMB shuts down. 摘要就磁轴承发生故障时转子坠入备用轴承所産生的非线性瞬态响应,提出了摩擦力的计算模型,从理论上建立了更为精确的运动微分方程。
A Creature content to run up and down fields in straight lines for days, the Dixon serves no real purpose to his herd and is fascinated with hoarding red objects. 一种自愿在田野里直来直往乱跑的动物。迪克森对整个兽群没有大的影响,他只是着迷于围攻红色的目标。
A Creole is a person of mixed French or Spanish and African descent. 克里奥尔人则是法国或西班牙及非洲后裔的子孙。
A Croatian man has offered to sell his kidney and cornea in an attempt to pay back loans worth 35,000 euros, a local newspaper reported Thursday. 日前,克罗地亚的一家报纸报道说,为偿还金额为3.5万欧元的贷款,该国一名男子已经表示要出售自己的肾脏和角膜。
A Crystal Balls is an oracle of divination. 水晶球是预言式的神谕.
A Culture trip to Thailand, Macao and Hong Kong for all the teachers headed by school heads. 巴蜀校领导率全校教师赴泰国、香港、澳门作文化之旅交流考察。

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