英文: And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons, and of thy daughters which the LORD thy god hath given thee...--Deuteronomy 28:53.
中文: 53你在仇敌围困窘迫之中,必吃你本身所生的,就是耶和华你神所赐给你的儿女之肉。
英文: Thou shalt not speak louder on thy cell phone than thou would on any other phone.Man, this is an aggravating one.
中文: 汝不可用手机时比在其它电话上更大声说话“老兄,知不知到这是很烦人的。
英文: ' Then he said to me: `Search in thy bosom, and offer me what thou shalt find there.' And searching, I found there a golden ball, and I offered it to God; and the like I did three times, even as God commanded me; and then I knelt down thrice, and blessed
中文: ’然后他对我说:‘查看你的胸口,把你能找到的给我.’我查找了,发现一个金色的球,我给了上帝,同样的,我照着上帝的命令做了三次,然后我三次跪下,赞美感谢上帝,因为他给了我可以献上的东西.
英文: 1 Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.
中文: 1不应使用计算机危害他人。
英文: 13 And it came to pass, when God caused me to wander from my father's house, that I said unto her, This is thy kindness which thou shalt shew unto me; at every place whither we shall come, say of me, He is my brother.
中文: 13当神叫我离开父家飘流在外的时候、我对他说、我们无论走到甚么地方、你可以对人说、他是我的哥哥.这就是你待我的恩典了。