英文: According to Aquinas, myrrh and aloes, by their bitterness, their pleasant perfume, and their preserving qualities, represent the penance by which we preserve our souls from the corruption of sin and the pleasing odor of a good report rising before God.
中文: 依照阿奎奈所说,没药和芦荟,由于它们的苦味,它们令人愉快的香味,以及它们保存的品质,代表着忏悔,这样我们就保护着我们的灵魂,防止堕落在罪中,一个令人愉快的虔诚传说从神面前升起来。
英文: Are you willing to do penance for your sins, my son?
中文: 你愿意以苦行赎你的罪吗,我的儿子?
英文: B: Yeah. I'm doing penance for forgetting her birthday last week.
中文: 是啊。我是在为上星期忘了她生日赎罪。
英文: He had done penance for his sins; we should forgive him.
中文: 他已经为赎罪自我惩罚了,我们应该原谅他。
英文: I have travelled a good deal in Concord; and everywhere, in shops, and offices, and fields, the inhabitants have appeared to me to be doing penance in a thousand remarkable ways.
中文: 我在康科德曾到过许多地区;无论在店铺,在公事房,在田野,到处我都看到,这里的居民仿佛都在赎罪一样,从事着成千种的惊人苦役。