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Ministry of Health

卫生部\n【医】 卫生部

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英文: Accordingly, under the aegis of China Federation of the Disabled, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Public Security, a sample survey of the disabled children aged 0 to 6 ratified by National Bureau of Statistics was carried out in 12 cities and counties

中文: 经国家统计局批准,中国残联、卫生部、公安部在联合国儿基会的支持下,于2001年6月至8月,在我国天津市、吉林省、河南省、江苏省、贵州省、甘肃省等六省市的12市县进行0~6岁残疾儿童抽样调查。        更详细...
英文: Despite the strict ban on surrogacy, imposed by the Ministry of Health (MOH) in 2001, the agency continues to operate and has established relationships with a number of hospitals.

中文: 2001年虽然政府健康部门强力严格阻止这些机构,但是这些机构还是持续产生,并和很多医院建立了关系。        更详细...
英文: Due to limited clinical testing of the effects of cannabis use, the Ministry of Health said it would recommend that patients use it only if regular treatment had failed or caused side effects.

中文: 根据临床对药用大麻的效果测试,卫生部建议病人在正常治疗失败后,或者是出现副作用之后才去使用药用大麻。        更详细...
英文: For now, recent ecological changes probably bear little responsibility for China's resurgent schistosomiasis, which the Ministry of Health has vowed to control by 2009 or so.

中文: 就目前来说,近来的生态环境变迁,还不需对中国再度兴起的血吸虫病负太大责任,而且中国卫生署也已宣示要在2009年左右控制住疫情。        更详细...
英文: Intention of invitation for investments: Cooperative development of 6 products approved by the Ministry of Health of Tibet Autonomous Region as foods (namely, Meiduo Qingzhi Capsule, Hongjingtian Capsule of Tibet Yangke Biotechnical Co., Ltd., Capsule of

中文: 西藏自治区卫生厅批准的6个食准字产品的合作开发,分别为“美朵清之胶囊、央科红景天胶囊、藏域虫草胶囊、珠峰雪清咽香口糖、藏域喜歌胶囊、美朵养颜茶”;国家食品药品监督管理局批准的3个国食健字产品的合作推广,分别为清血活血、养心健脑的藏丹清心胶囊;抗疲劳、养肾强身的勃喜胶囊;延缓衰老、改善睡眠的美朵胶囊。        更详细...

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