英文: An international non-governmental environmentalist organization that campaigns to prevent the killing of whales, to halt the polluting of the seas, and to oppose the nuclear power industry.
中文: 国际非政府组织,该组织千方百计阻止捕鲸和海洋污染,并反对核电工业。
英文: And biologist Tim Flannery's The Weather Makers (Atlantic Monthly Press, 2006) reveals how he went from being a skeptical environmentalist to a believing activist as incontrovertible data linking the increase of carbon dioxide to global warming accumulate
中文: 生物学家佛兰纳立的《天气制造者》则描述,由于过去10年累积的数据显示出二氧化碳增加与全球暖化的关联,他自己也从一名环境怀疑论者变成活跃的信徒。
英文: Be an environmentalist and send E-oards to your friends.
中文: 列出你心仪已久既物品清单,向目标人群派发,如你的父母、朋友和同学!
英文: But once interior environmentalist Deborah Irving gets done [10], an old metal-sided mobile home is transformed into something entirely different for a total price that matches the view.
中文: 然而,一旦堪称室内环境专家的黛布拉·欧文完成装修后,这原本四周由金属围成的拖车移动房屋变得面目一新,--花费了和周围美景一般昂贵的价格。
英文: Environmentalist organization Greenpeace has started a petition to the American publisher Scholastic for the sixth book to on ancient forest-friendly paper.
中文: 森林环境保护者团体”绿色和平”希望”美国的哈利波特出版商对哈利波特第六部书使用再生的“环保纸”(即原文说的对森林友好的纸)。