英文: He had mild respiratory distress, bilateral parotid enlargement, a distended abdomen, pitting oedema and digital clubbing.
中文: 他有轻度呼吸窘迫,双侧腮腺肿大,腹胀,可凹性水肿,杵状指。
英文: Hirudoid forte and placebo were applied for 10 days. Analgetics and anti-inflammatory agents were not used. Assessment criteria were pain on pressure, oedema and erythema.
中文: 特强喜疗妥制剂和安慰剂分别应用了10天。未应用止痛剂和消炎药。评估标准为压痛、水肿和红斑。
英文: Hirudoid/Hirudoid forte promote the absorption of oedema and haematoma.
中文: 喜疗妥乳膏/特强喜疗妥乳膏能促进水肿和血肿的吸收。
英文: It is believed that he had contraCTed high altitude pulmonary oedema (water on the lungs) which was not well known at the time and does not respond to antibiotics.
中文: 人们认为他患了高海拔肺水肿,那时人们并不很了解这种病,没想到要用抗生素来治疗。
英文: On examination, she had a skin rash, pretibial oedema and jaundiced sclera; her liver was not enlarged and her spleen was not palpable.
中文: 查体:她有皮疹,胫骨前水肿,巩膜黄疸,她的肝脏无肿大,脾脏未触及。