英文: The question of whether to raise taxes to cut the budget deficit is a real hot potato for a lot of politicians.
中文: 这个人说:“是否用增加税收的方法来减少预算赤字的问题对于许多政客来说是一个棘手的问题。”
英文: After peaking at $290,000 million in 1992, the federal budget deficit steadily shrank as economic growth increased tax revenues.
中文: 由于经济增长提高了税收收入,联邦财政预算赤字在1992年达到2,900亿美元的顶峰之后稳步缩减。
英文: But with an ageing and shrinking population this would not be enough to plug the budget deficit and bring down Japan's scary levels of national debt.
中文: 但随着日本人口减少且逐渐进入老龄化社会,这些新收入不足以填补预算赤字,也不能减少其数额惊人的国债。
英文: However, the OECD also urged the Japanese government to take steps to reduce its massive budget deficit and to press ahead with labour market deregulation.
中文: 然而,经合组织亦敦促日本政府采取行动减低其庞大的财赤数字,以及积极放宽劳工市场的管制。
英文: Over the past five years, the territory has racked up a cumulative budget deficit of HK$146bn.
中文: 过去5年中,香港特区财政赤字累计已达1460亿港元。