英文: American over modest look upon as the hypocritical pronoun, says English if one is modest about self talking not good , proceed to tell fluent English, American person that can think that he is to affirm with self's lips but deny in self's heart , assume
中文: 美国人把过谦视为虚伪的代名词,如果一个自谦说英语讲得不好,接着又说出一口流畅英语,美国人会认为他是个口是心非,装腔作势的人。
英文: An example of affirming the target weights of water environmental system in synthetically assessing green ecotype residential quarters is presented, which is also useful to affirm the target weights of the other environmental system in synthetically asses
中文: 例举了绿色生态住宅小区综合评价中水环境系统指标权重的确定方法,其方法对绿色生态住宅小区综合评价中其它环境系统指标权重的确定也是适用的。
英文: And I reaffirm that everyone is worthy - and worth knowing.
中文: 并且我再次坚信,每个人都是有价值的――值得你去了解。
英文: And Jonathan had David reaffirm his oath out of love for him, because he loved him as he loved himself.
中文: 17约拿单因爱大卫如同爱自己的性命、就使他再起誓。
英文: And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just.
中文: 8为什么不说,我们可以作恶以成善呢,这是毁谤我们的人,说我们有这话。这等人定罪,是该当的。