英文: 1695 Henry Purcell,English composer, died in London from tuberculosis.
中文: 英国作曲家亨利·普赛尔因患肺结核在伦敦病逝。
英文: [b]John:[/b] They are often known as bendy buses, but are really called articulated buses. There's one type of public transport in London we haven't mentioned yet – trams.
中文: 现在在伦敦运行的有一种新型的公共汽车叫双截公车。这是一种单层的车,在两节车厢中间可以弯折。
英文: [color=Blue][size=4]1、When reports came into London zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London,they were not taken seriously.
中文: 据伦敦消息报道,一只野生的美洲狮在距伦敦南面45英里处被发现,这些报告并没有受到重视。
英文: “They are happy enough to come to our London event in the autumn but they seem embarrassed about being seen at Erotica Manchester.
中文: 「他们非常乐于参加我们秋天在伦敦办的活动,但似乎对于在曼彻斯特情色博览会上露面感到难为情。」
英文: “We worked on the theory that cells at a later stage of development might have a higher probability of success upon transplantation” says researcher Robin Ali of the University College London Institute of Ophthalmology in a news release.
中文: 尽管以前尝试使用胚胎干细胞进行视网膜移植失败了,研究人员称通过使用发育后期的干细胞,他们修复了小鼠受损的视网膜。