英文: And the Yantie Conference later in the Eastern Han embodied the influence of Sima Qian's criticism.
中文: 然而它的历史效应,在易代之后的盐铁会议上便已凸显。
英文: And we welcome the new Minister of Women's Affairs, Doctor Sima Samar. (Applause.
中文: 让我们欢迎新任的妇女事务部长,莎马尔博士。
英文: By the religious reading, Sima Qian fulfilled some part of his filial obligations when he honored his father's dying wish to “continue our ancestors” by bringing together the tales they had gathered.
中文: 此种具有宗教意味的解读法认为,司马迁谨尊其先父续吾祖的遗志,将与父亲共同收集的史料编纂成书以尽孝道。
英文: Equally importantly, insofar as Sima Qian had restored to life an array of remarkable men and women from the Central States, he lived in the pious hope that these especially potent spirits among the civilized dead would choose in return to confer benefits
中文: 与之同等重要的是,司马迁希望透过生动地记载中原各国列女豪杰的《史记》持续受人阅读这些显赫死者的灵魂会对司马迁及其人报以福泽。
英文: [N] Nah, that bully wants to beat your assIma let him.
中文: “不,那个大个子要打你的屁屁,而且我也想让他这样。”