英文: He was taken into custody at 9:30 to 9:40,Officer Gretchen Ellis said. A firearm was recovered.
中文: 警官格雷琴·艾利斯证实:“他是在9:30到9:40之间被收监的。凶器也已经找到了。”
英文: Although activating events often seem to directly cause or contribute to emotional consequences, Ellis argues that people largely bring their beliefs to situations, and subjectively interpret or perceive events in light of their beliefs and expectations.
中文: 虽然引发事件很多时彷佛是导致情绪的直接主因,但艾里斯却提出个体往往带著自己的信念及期望,对事物作出主观的理解及分析。
英文: At Nellis Air Force Base, bombers, fighters, and spy planes cruise the skies in Red Flag war games used to train combat warriors to fight and win.
中文: 在内利斯空军基地,轰炸机、战斗机以及侦察机巡游在天空,参加着一场红旗演练,这场演习被用来训练战斗勇士们去战斗并取得胜利。
英文: CB Richard Ellis Group, Inc., an S&P 500 company headquartered in Los Angeles, California, is the world's largest real estate services firm (in terms of 2005 revenue).
中文: 世邦魏理仕总部位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,是标准普尔500强企业,为全球最大的地产服务公司(按2005年的营业额计算)。
英文: CB Richard Ellis is the largest vertically-integrated real estate services firm in the world, with unparalledled intellectual capital, unmatched global capabilities, and a platform built on leadership in every major local market.
中文: 世邦魏理仕是全球最大的地产顾问服务公司之一,拥有独一无二的智力资本、无可比拟的全球市场覆盖和建立在各主要市场领导地位之上的业务平台。