英文: A Russian-made surface-to-air missile, which was owned by a pro-government armed faction, is loaded onto a United Nations truck during the launch of a disarmament program in Kabul, May 17, 2004.
中文: 5月17日,在阿富汗首都喀布尔举行的解除武装仪式上,一枚原属武装人员的俄制地对空导弹被运上联合国的大卡车。
英文: After meeting with the mayor's office to discuss a disarmament program, a group of women decided to deny their partners their conjugal rights and recorded a song for local radio to urge others to follow their example.
中文: 她们和市长办公室讨论了一个“放下武器”的计划,决定在他们的丈夫放下武器之前,拒绝和他们过性生活,为了号召其他女性一起行动,她们还为当地电台录了一首专门创作的歌曲。
英文: Anti-fighters are also inexpensive, because their armament is limited.
中文: 反战斗机一样不贵,因为他们的武器很有限。
英文: As far back as 2001, Chinas United Nations envoy for disarmament affairs, Hu Xiaodi, argued that NMD is, in essence, a disguised form of unilateral nuclear-arms expansion, which will severely hinder the international arms-control and disarmament process a
中文: 自从2001年以来,中国国家裁军事务专使胡晓弟声称:NMD在根本上是披在单边核武主义上的一层伪装,它将阻碍国际军控以及裁军,甚至引发新一轮的军备竞赛。
英文: “China's Armament Policy in the Future: Struggling between Arms Import and Self-Reliance,” read at the IISS/NIC co-sponsored Conference on Transformation in Global Defense Markets and Industries, Arundel House, London, November 4-5, 2000.
中文: 「中共的政治结构及其对两岸建立信心措施的影响」,宣读于国防大学举办的国家安全与军事战略学术研讨会,民国89年11月于台北。