英文: Considering the pressure of reform, we propose a two stage strategy for reform: market based share ownership of land and private ownership of farmers.
中文: 而考虑到中国具体实际和改革面临的阻力,笔者提出了改革的战略思路是:第一阶段实行土地股份所有,市场化经营;第二阶段实行农村土地农民个人所有制。
英文: Even the oft-repeated phrase “public ownership of the means of production” has been amended with the passage of a law on inheritance which protects private ownership of capital equipment – another way of saying that individuals can now own the means of pr
中文: 就连人们常说的“生产资料的公有制”也随着继承法的通过而被修改,继承法保护资本设备的私有制—换句话说,也就是个人可以拥有生产资料。
英文: Four periods can be recognized in the changes in Chinese land policy from 1949 to 1978: the period immediately after the founding of PRC, characterized by land deprivation, re-distribution and transformation from private ownership to state ownership; the
中文: 摘要改革开放前(1949年~1978年)土地政策可划分为新中国成立初期、全面建设社会主义时期、文化大革命时期、徘徊时期等4个阶段,土地政策在第一阶段带有明显的剥夺性、分配性、私有性和过渡性特点;第二阶段“一大二公”成为主要内容;第三阶段基本处于停滞不前的状态;第四阶段表现为徘徊性。
英文: Heterogeneity factors in the text, however, consist of the potential themes which have interpreted the obvious theme to some extent as following: the approval to personal labor leads to the impulsion to the national purposes that force private ownership r
中文: 然而文本中的异质成分却构成潜在的主题,在一定程度上解构了显在的主题:对个体劳动的礼赞,冲击了以公有制强行取代私有制的国家意志;对合理诉求的再现,表现了“异己者”要求平等自由、言行一致的有效追问;对女性命运的书写,凸显了社会主义新人梁生宝的人格缺失。
英文: In addition, private ownership brings the right incentives structure for individuals who have accumulated enough capital to venture on their own.
中文: 不仅如此,私人所有制为已经积累了一定资本、希望自己开拓事业的个人提供了合理的激励机制。