英文: Engineers completed the longest (1,180-foot) pontoon bridge in the world over the Irrawaddy River on December 6, 1944.
中文: 1944年12月6日,工程兵在伊洛瓦底江上建成世界上最长的浮桥(360米)。
英文: In an Amsterdam shipyard, meanwhile, a massive pontoon is being modified for use in transporting the sub to a dock once it's lifted.
中文: 与此同时,阿姆斯特丹的一个船厂正在改装一艘大型平底驳船,这艘驳船是用来运送被打捞起来的“库尔斯克”号的。
英文: The pontoon is non-self-propelled. The main and auxiliary generator sets in the engine room provide enough room provide enough power for operation and livelihood.
中文: 船体为非自航式,机舱内的主副发电机组可供装卸作业与生活用电。
英文: The recovery teams were looking for a man and a woman, both 26, and a 6-year-old boy missing a day after a squall capsized the 36-foot pontoon boat.
中文: 搜救队伍正在全力寻找同为26岁的一男子和一女子,以及一个6岁的儿童。他们在水上的士倾覆后已失踪1天。