英文: A spin-off of the new system will be improvement in identification and resolution of hit and runincidents and motor vehicle accidents.
中文: 新系统的意外收获获将是促进辨识并解决在事故及车祸中肇事逃逸的情形。
英文: BEIJINGBJ212 light off-road vehicle was originally desinged and tested by the previous Beijing Automotive Words (established in 1958 and graced with factory nameplate handwritten by Field Marshall Zhu De) in 1965 and put into serial production upon approv
中文: 北京牌BJ212轻型越野汽车,是由原北京汽车制造厂(成立于一九五八年,由朱德同志亲自题写厂名)于一九六五年设计试制,并于一九六五年五月经国务院军工产品定型委员会批准设计定型,同年正式投产。
英文: Chrysler Group's concept vehicle program allows designers to test new colors, features, vehicle size and segments.
中文: 克莱斯勒集团的概念车计画让设计师测试新的色彩特点,车辆大小和上门.
英文: Habituated to [tourist-carrying vehicles] and their excited cargo, bears hang around a vehicle camp where tourists stay for a week.
中文: 现在熊们已经习惯了那些经常造访的旅行者、他们的交通工具以及那些令人激动的食物/货物了。
英文: I declare as the entrant that to the best of my belief the driver(s) possess(es) the standard of competence necessary for an event(s) of the type(s) to which this entry relates that the vehicle entered is suitable and road worthy for the event having rega
中文: 本人以提名人身份深信,所提选之驾驶员是有自制和适当的能力参与比赛,以及参赛车辆是符合在道路及跑道上行驶作赛,本人及参赛者和所有队员同意在跑道上及其措施上所引起的意外全由我们自己负责.