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BEIJINGBJ212 light off-road vehicle was originally desinged and tested by the previous Beijing Automotive Words (established in 1958 and graced with factory nameplate handwritten by Field Marshall Zhu De) in 1965 and put into serial production upon approv

Awake, awake, Deborah; Awake, awake, sing a song! Arise, Barak, and take away your captives, O son of Abinoam. 士5:12底波拉阿、兴起、兴起、你当兴起、兴起、唱歌.亚比挪菴的儿子巴拉阿、你当奋兴、掳掠你的敌人。
Aye -- that is because you have the right disposition. But that gentleman,looking at Darcy, seemed to think the country was nothing at all. “啊,那是因为你的性格好。可是那位先生,”她说到这里,便朝达西望了一眼,“就会觉得乡下一文不值。”
Aye. The first day.Durgen answered grimly. “在,第一天就在。”德琴的回答总是冷冰冰的。
BAD CARBS: Sugary foods and starches like many pastas, white bread, and potatoes that are quickly absorbed in our digestive system and quickly raise our blood sugar levels. 非健康碳水化合物:糖份多的食物和淀粉类食物,它们极易被我们的消化系统吸收,并导致血糖含量迅速升高。这类食品包括许多面食、白面包和各种土豆。
BATTMAXseries erasable pen ,including fountain pen ,free ink pen ,gel ink pen ,gel ball pen ,and water colour pen .welcome to buy. 我公司生产可擦笔,主要包括:可擦钢笔,可擦水性笔,可擦中性笔,可擦水彩笔,可擦圆珠笔等。
BEIJINGBJ212 light off-road vehicle was originally desinged and tested by the previous Beijing Automotive Words (established in 1958 and graced with factory nameplate handwritten by Field Marshall Zhu De) in 1965 and put into serial production upon approv 北京牌BJ212轻型越野汽车,是由原北京汽车制造厂(成立于一九五八年,由朱德同志亲自题写厂名)于一九六五年设计试制,并于一九六五年五月经国务院军工产品定型委员会批准设计定型,同年正式投产。
Babeland The Departedshared the top drama honor at the American Cinema Editors' Eddie Awards Sunday, only the second tie in the event's 57-year history. 今年奥斯卡的热门影片《巴别塔》和《无间行者》在日前揭晓的美国剪辑师工会奖上并列获得剧情类影片最佳剪辑奖。
Babies are born with 100 billion neurons,he says. During the first years of life, some are salvaged and the others are left to wither. We call that synaptic pruning. 他说,这需要父母遵循一些简单的建议才能确保孩子变得这么聪明,这些建议包括母乳喂养一年,限制孩子看电视的时间以及让孩子从小就受到音乐熏陶。
Babylon will become a heap of ruins, a haunt of jackals, An object of horror and hissing, without inhabitants. 耶51:37巴比伦必成为乱堆、为野狗的住处、令人惊骇、嗤笑、并且无人居住。
Back in the 60's the baby boomers were getting married in scuba gear,he said. They're getting older and they have the same individualism. “那些在60年代婴儿潮时期出生的人,他们结婚的时候选择水下婚礼。现在,他们渐渐变老,他们身上表现出同样的个人主义倾向。”他说。
Bad move,kid.You should never kick a man in the balls,you know that?You'd have been more comfortable without that meat hook through your pussy lips! “糟糕的动作,孩子。你永远不应该去踢男人的那个球,你知道么?没有什么比把那个肉棒插进你的猫唇更让你觉得舒服。”

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