英文: A neurotic disorder characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness, loss of memory, and generalized aches and pains. It was formerly thought to result from exhaustion of the nervous system.
中文: 神经衰弱一种神经系统紊乱,表现为长期疲劳乏力、失去记忆,带中度疼痛。以前被认为是由于神经系统衰竭引起的
英文: Americans, she reckons, are a bit neurotic about adultery; in other countries it counts as a regrettable lapse, but not necessarily an unforgivable act of heinous betrayal.
中文: 她认为美国人对于通奸行为有点儿神经质;在其它国家这只能算是一种令人遗憾的堕落,而不是一种不可原谅、十恶不赦的背叛行为。
英文: And the Chechen tragedy helps to explain why Mr Putin's neurotic bluster plays so well among ordinary Russians.
中文: 同时,车臣的悲剧也有助解释向普通俄罗斯人解释为何普京神经质般的咆哮起到如此有效的作用。
英文: Christ, before my eyes there shimmered such a golden peace that only a neurotic could dream of turning his head away.
中文: 天啊,黄金般的祥和气氛在我眼前闪现,只有一个患神经病的人才想掉头走开。
英文: From there is life memory of that from day, I have been making it a rule to enjoy own dark and sensitive to arrive what several near neurotic personalities bring standing alone underneath for an instant but the thin and cold pleasure for dying, -this brea
中文: 从有生命记忆的那天起,我就一直习惯于享受自己阴郁和敏感到几近神经质的性格所带来的孤独下面一瞬而逝的淡冷的欢愉,——这断不是我真正想要的.毕竟,寻到一份长相厮守抑或尽管只是曾经但刻骨铭心的感情,仍然是千百年来多大数人吟唱不休甚至生死相许的追求;——我确定要为自己的感情改变些什么了.等你等了太久,你却还没有出现,但我不会放弃,我会继续坚定的等下去.