英文: The authors conclude by assessing the vital historical role and scientific value of export porcelain, centred on Portugal, as evidenced by the few examples that remain of the porcelain designed and commissioned by the Portuguese of the armorial porcelain
中文: 最后总结出外销瓷具有极高的历史和科研价值,如今存世不多的葡萄牙人在华定制的“纹章瓷”是中葡关系的历史见证。
英文: The value of export would exceed 200 million USD.
中文: 产品全部出口,年度出口额将超过2亿美元。
英文: Transaction value of export goods refers to the total amount of money charged by the seller to the buyer directly or indirectly for the exportation of the goods at the time of exportation.
中文: 出口货物的成交价格,是指该货物出口时卖方为出口该货物应当向买方直接收取和间接收取的价款总额。