英文: If that happened in the field, she says, wild oats might run amok in the western U.S., outcompeting native grasses with kudzu-like intensity.
中文: 她说,这种情形如果发生在野外,获得抗病毒基因的野生燕麦便可能以燎原之势席卷美国西部,将其他原生草类逼得走投无路。
英文: In some cases, before even providing laboratory proof of the capabilities of their molecular-size creations, nanotechnologists have started to muse about whether infinitesimal robots will run amok and consume the planet.
中文: 在某些情况中,奈米科技专家甚至还没有在实验室中证明这些分子级发明的功能,就开始忧虑超小型机器人会不会疯狂乱跑、毁灭地球。
英文: The Moons chariot shall run amok in the Zodiac; the Pleiades will burst into tears. None of these will return to the duty expected of it.
中文: 月亮的战车会疯狂地走进黄道带,昴宿星会爆炸成碎块,不会回归到所期待的责任上。
英文: The field mice, lacking natural predators, have flourished in numbers and are running amok destroying nature.
中文: 缺少天敌的田鼠们,繁殖、破坏起来自然”随心所欲”。
英文: The tiger escaped from the zoo and ran amok for hours.
中文: 老虎逃出了动物园, 张牙舞爪乱窜了几小时.