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The Moons chariot shall run amok in the Zodiac; the Pleiades will burst into tears. None of these will return to the duty expected of it.

The Moon child is far too moody and sensitive for your fickle ways. You are not a homebody like the Crab. You have totally different interests then a Cancer. 双子-巨蟹:守护星是月亮的巨蟹座人多愁善感,与你行事方法格格不入。你也不是一个像他那样的喜欢过居家生活的人。你们的兴趣太不一样,勉强在一起也不会幸福哦。
The Moon is Aquarius or Pisces makes the Native to be disliked by Princes, Grandees and the upper ten. 月亮落在水瓶或者双鱼,命主会被王公贵族所讨厌。
The Moon is a major contributor to these tides in the earth's electric field. 在对地球电离层的潮汐影响上,月亮是一个主要的贡献者。
The Moon looked mush bigger than other stares in the sky. 月亮看起来比天空中任何其他的星星都要大得多.
The Moon orbits Earth about once every 29 and a half days. 如果只有部分月亮进入地球的本影,就产生月偏食。
The Moons chariot shall run amok in the Zodiac; the Pleiades will burst into tears. None of these will return to the duty expected of it. 月亮的战车会疯狂地走进黄道带,昴宿星会爆炸成碎块,不会回归到所期待的责任上。
The Moore Street building's proposed designation was announced yesterday by the Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, who also announced that consideration was being given to the redevelopment of part of the GPO site to mark the centenary of the 1916 Rising in 10 year 爱尔兰总理伯蒂埃亨昨天宣布了把毛街上的建筑指定为国家文物保护单位的提议,他也宣布政府正在考虑恢复邮政总局遗址上的部分建筑,以纪念在10年后1916年起义100周年。
The Moose is loose: Torre said that Thursday's starter, Mike Mussina, sometimes tries to throw too hard -- which gets him into trouble. 穆帅已经释怀:托瑞认为他在今天先发过于用力投球,也这样受到伤害。
The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger. 政治,是讲要使民众和君主的意愿一致,可以叫他们为君主死,为君主生,而赴汤蹈火。
The Morgan Basin Tilting IV Furnace is specially designed for rapid bulk melting for both die-casting and general non-ferrous foundries. 摩根保温四型盆式可倾斜炉是专门为了压铸件和普通有色金属铸件的快速又大批量的生产而设计的。
The Morgan Gas Fired Bale Out Furnace MK IV E is constructed using low thermal mass materials for the lining and provides economy in energy costs. 摩根的燃气式保温四型舀出炉是用低蓄能材料作为炉衬而制成的,能够提供经济的能耗成本。

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