英文: It is my pleasure to announce the start of Asia-pacific experimental school of Beijing Normal University's concert of 2004.
中文: 北京师范大学亚太实验学校2004新年音乐会现在开始。
英文: The annual performance by the Orchestra of Taipei Mandarin Experimental School primarily aims to display the results from diverse education through the operations of musical associations, inspire children's musical knowledge, teach students the skill of p
中文: 台北市立国语实验国民小学弦乐团年度演奏会,主要在于表现多元教育的成果,经由音乐性社团的经营,启发孩童音乐知能,教导学生对于小提琴演奏的技能并培养对于音乐艺术的兴趣,以强化人格教育并提升内涵。
英文: We at Edexcel are particular pleased by the amount of support we can offer to schools such as Changsha Tongshenghu International Experimental School which are approved Edexcel International Centres.
中文: 在爱德思,我们特别乐意给像长沙同升湖国际实验学校一样,被授权成为爱德思国际教育与考试中心的学校提供帮助。