英文: By using the undetermined coefficient method, a new scheme is derived from the HAUC2 scheme to simulate the two dimensional convection-diffusion equation.
中文: 摘要运用待定系数法,建立了求解二维对流扩散方程的HAUC2格式。
英文: He argued that Saddam Hussein “poses no imminent or direct threat to the United States or to his neighbours”, and gave warning that “even a successful war against Iraq will require a US occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undeter
中文: 他声称“萨达姆.候赛因对美国及其邻居不能构成迫切或者直接的威胁”,并且警告说“即使对伊战争胜利,美军的占领也是时间不定,代价未知,并且伴随着不确定的连锁反应。”
英文: In 1997, an explosion of undetermined origin killed a passenger who was blown out of a TAM Fokker 100 during flight.
中文: 1997年,该公司的另一架福克尔100在飞行途中爆炸,导致一名乘客在被甩出飞机后身亡,而爆炸原因至今尚未查明。
英文: The method of undetermined coefficients is the general method of solving a linear differential equation with constant coefficients of the second order.
中文: 摘要二阶常系数线性微分方程可用常规方法待定系数法求解。
英文: This paper assumes that there is an undetermined dynamic energy for meaningfulness in human desire, which develops and transcends any particular realization.
中文: 摘要人的欲望含藏不可限定的意义动力,不断发展并自行超越,这是人由内在而超越的根源动力。