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jointly and severally

【经】 个别并连带负责

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英文: A business entity shall be jointly and severally liable with the contractor or subcontractor for the compensation of occupational accidents caused by workers hired by the contractor or subcontractor for having violated the provisions of the Labor Safety a

中文: 事业单位违背劳工安全卫生法有关对于承揽人、再承揽人应负责任之规定,致承揽人或再承揽人所雇用之劳工发生职业灾害时,应与该承揽人、再承揽人负连带补偿责任。        更详细...
英文: A winning bidder shall be accountable to the tenderer for the subcontracted projects, and the persons accepting the subcontracts shall jointly and severally be liable for the subcontracted parts.

中文: 中标人应当就分包项目向招标人负责,接受分包的人就分包项目承担连带责任。        更详细...
英文: Any person who signs this Application Form as a Customer agrees to be jointly and severally liable to pay all those amounts.

中文: 在申请表格上签字之人应对上述欠款承当严格连带责任。        更详细...
英文: Article 18 A suretyship of joint and several liability refers to a suretyship contract wherein the parties agree that the surety and the debtor shall be jointly and severally liable.

中文: 第十八条当事人在保证合同中约定保证人与债务人对债务承担连带责任的,为连带责任保证。        更详细...
英文: Article 23 If a media business operator engaging in publishing or reporting advertisements knows or should have known that the contents of the advertisements are inconsistent with the facts, it shall be jointly and severally liable to consumers for their

中文: 第23条(损害赔偿责任)刊登或报导广告之媒体经营者明知或可得而知广告内容与事实不符者,就消费者因信赖该广告所受之损害与企业经营者负连带责任。        更详细...

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