英文: I have some concerns about China because of the geopolitical risks,says Mr Dickinson. If there was ever a conflict between China and Taiwan it would cripple the electronics industry.
中文: “我对中国有些担忧,是因为那里存在地缘政治风险,”迪肯森先生说。”假如中国大陆和台湾发生冲突,电子工业将遭受沉重打击。”
英文: Now they will say we need to listen to a lullaby to go to sleep,said Rajiv, an electronics student.
中文: 电子系的学生拉吉维说:“现在我们得听着摇篮曲入睡了。”
英文: You'll get some lady who was selling teapots and baby clothes and all of a sudden she's an electronics kingpin.
中文: “你将会遇到这种情况,一个曾经是卖茶壶和婴儿服装的妇女突然间就成为一个电子产品的主脑人物。”
英文: A few years ago, it would have needed a shoe-box of electronics to drive it, and it would still have been hit-or-miss.
中文: 几年前,它还需要鞋盒那么大的电子器件来驱动,而且还经常搞错。
英文: A widely known achievement of radio electronics is an electronic calculating machine that can perform several thousand arithmetical operations in one second.
中文: 电子计算机是无线电电子学的一项人所共知的成就,这种计算机一秒钟能进行数千次运算。