英文: As Haplo's doubts about his master grow ever deeper, he must decide whether to obey the Lord of the Nexus or betray the powerful Patryn...and endeavor to bring peace to the universe.
中文: 当哈普罗对他的君主怀疑日渐加深,他必须决定是要尊从幽联界之王或是要背叛这位强大的派崔恩人…且努力将和平带到宇宙中。
英文: Chaos is everywhere as the Lord of the Nexus orders his servant Haplo and the human child known as Bane to further their master's work on Arianus, the realm of air.
中文: 幽联界之王命令他的仆从哈普罗和人类小孩灭引发空之界域艾瑞亚那斯的动盪,使得到处一片混乱。
英文: EXAMPLE: The cell phone has become the nexus of our sales activities because it enables efficient coordination.
中文: 移动电话已经成为我们的销售活动的连结渠道,因为它能进行有效的协调。
英文: Focusing on a series of anecdotes about private transactions involving objects in gardens, the author dissects the intricate nexus between the exchange of poetry and the poetry of exchange.
中文: 藉由聚焦在一连串关于亭园中涉及物品之私人互动的轶事,作者剖析出诗文之互赠,与互赠之诗文两者间纠缠的连结。
英文: Readings that explore legal and jurisdictional dynamics of cities, the nexus between cities and nations, and the relations between or ethnic, racial, religious, or class identities, cities, and/or nations.
中文: 2透过阅读来探讨城市在法律与司法上的动向、城市与国家间的关系、以及种族、文化、宗教、阶级认同、城市、与国家间的关系。