英文: We need to hurry if we want to see the 7:30 movie. Let's just stop off and grab a bite to eat at that hamburger joint near the theater.
中文: 这个人说:“要是我们想看七点半那场电影的话,我们得赶快。我们就到电影院附近那个卖汉堡包的地方先吃点东西吧。”
英文: After wasting valuable police time, not to mention no small amount of public healthcare funds, he would top off the night by calling everyone he knows to tell them all how much he loved them.
中文: 在浪费了警察宝贵的时间之后,更不用说数目不小的公共医疗基金了,他会在当晚收场时给他认识的所有人都打去电话,逐个告诉他们他有多爱他们。
英文: And I also got to top off my Camelbak and water bottle.
中文: 并且灌满了我的水袋和水瓶。
英文: Be this a continuous flight, or do we stop off anywhere.
中文: 我们是不著陆的连续飞行呢,还是要在中途的什麽地方停一停。
英文: But conflict in the Middle East has brought Seychelles an unexpected bonus: Western warships stop off in the islands, which offer rest and recreation.
中文: 但是中东地区的冲突又给塞舌尔带来了意外的发财机会,它摇身一变成为西方国家的战舰停泊休整和娱乐的中途站。