英文: But he is abandoned again by foster parents later.
中文: 但是过了不多久,他再次被养父母所抛弃。
英文: Instead of a happy ending of familial reunion, the film rather unusually ends on the girl's acceptance of her foster parents as real parents, with the mother quietly retreating into the darkness of the night.
中文: 在这之前她虽然已主演过十部电影,但只是一个称职的新人演员而己;《曼》片却付予了她一个无忧无虑、自由、充满青春活力、热情奔放的「书院女」簇新形象,旋即仿似石破天惊般,风靡了整个东南亚。
英文: Since Mother is not here, my foster parents give me a hot water bottle and feed me by hand to keep me strong and growing.
中文: 妈妈不在,所以托养家庭给我一个暖水袋和用猫奶粉喂我,让我成长茁壮。