英文: 1045 BILL OF QUANTITIES: The tenderer's attention is drawn to the fact that the tender is a Fixed Lump Sum Tender and that no adjustment will be made to the Bill of Quantities for inaccuracies or discrepancies.
中文: 工程量清单:投标人应注意此标为固定标的额、一次付清式投标,如清单中有任何不准确或矛盾之处,均不会对标的额做任何调整。
英文: 2 They found it especially hard to deal with the recent ★slump in the coffee price.
中文: 他们发现很难应付最近暴跌的咖啡价格。
英文: A Current All-In-One passbook may be issued to you and a debit card may be applied for at the same time at any savings office after you transact the deposit and deposit 50,000 RMB yuan in a lump sum.
中文: 客户在银行办理存款手续,一次性存入50,000元人民币,即可获得活期一本通存折,并可同时申请借记卡。
英文: A clump of similar patches exists near the North Pole.
中文: 无独有偶地,这样的相似区块也出现在北极附近。
英文: “The term ‘anti-science' can lump together too many,quite different things,” notes Harvard University philosopher Gerald Holton in his 1993 work Science and AntiScience,“They have in common only one thing that they tend to annoy or threaten those who reg
中文: “‘反科学这个词可以涵盖很多截然不同的东西,”哈佛大学的哲学家杰拉尔德·霍尔顿在其1993年的著作《科学和反科学》中写道:“它们惟一的共同点就是会激怒或威胁那些自以为比别人更有见识的人。”