英文: 12 Automated control of vehicles shifts liability for most crashes from the individual driver (and his or her insurance company) to the designer, developer, and vendor of the vehicle and roadway control systems.
中文: 车辆的自动控制把大多数事故的责任从车辆驾驶者个人(及其保险公司)转移到设计者、研制者以及车辆和道路控制系统的经销商身上。
英文: A series of reforms that Americans now take for granted were constituted: rigorous safety standards for all cars; investigations into safety defects; federally mandated recalls of vehicles with hazardous features; development of new safety technologies; a
中文: 一系列安全改革措施被制定出来,这些措施当今的美国人已认为是理所当然,它们包括:对所有汽车实行严格的安全标准、对安全缺陷要进行调查、全国性的对有危险特征的汽车强制回收、新的安全技术的开发,以及高速公路的安全性方案。
英文: All manner of vehicles were used.
中文: 使用了各种车辆.
英文: Approximately 200,000 imported light-vehicles will be required to have WOVM applied per annum, based on the volume of vehicles imported in 2006.
中文: 根据2006年进口车辆的数量,每年大约有200,000辆的进口轻型车辆将必须安装WOVM。
英文: Article 49 The axle-load mass of vehicles running on roads should conform to the technical standards as set by road engineering requirements.
中文: 第四十九条在公路上行驶的车辆的轴载质量应当符合公路工程技术标准要求。