英文: I recall staring at my computer screen in disbelief after reading a particularly informative Web site.
中文: 我仍然记得,在查读了一个资料详实的网站后,我满腹狐疑地盯着电脑屏幕。
英文: John Vargo, the publisher of Boating on the Hudson magazine, said his alert about the sightings was met with disbelief by some boaters.Some were laughing about it, because it couldn't possibly be true,he said.
中文: 《泛舟哈德逊河》杂志出版商约翰·瓦尔戈说一些划船者不相信河里有海牛出没,“一些人对有海牛的说法嗤之以鼻,因为他们不相信这会是真的”。
英文: One's disbelief can be shown by holding one hand high above one's shoulder, palm held forth, then putting it vertically down the waist and turning the head to one side.
中文: 表示不相信时,一手高举过肩,掌心向外,然后再垂直放在腰部以下,同时头扭向一侧。
英文: She gazed at me in disbelief when I told her the news.
中文: 我告诉她这消息时,她以怀疑的目光注视著我。
英文: So all six of them are there to sob and shout and stare in disbelief when they find a stash of ten ZPMs on an abandoned planet.
中文: 当在一个废弃的星球上发现藏了十个ZPM时,他们六个,一起哭泣,一起呼喊,一起难以置信的凝视着这一切。